
Explore our Resources

Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center offers a variety of classes, programs, and materials to help in many steps of the immigration process. Learn more through our resources below.

General info: Know Your RighTS

Knowledge is power.  With so much misinformation available, PIRC strives to provide general information in multiple languages about immigrant rights in various situations. 

Resources for Individuals

PIRC provides resources for individuals seeking  information about the forms of relief helpful to immigrant survivors of crime and those in removal proceedings.

Resources For those in DETENTION

PIRC provides legal services to immigrants in detention, focusing services on those detained at the Moshannon Correctional Facility and Clinton County Correctional Facility.

Resources for Pro bono attorneys

Working in partnership with dedicated volunteer attorneys from the region, PIRC is able to serve more vulnerable immigrants in need of representation. Learn more here!

Legal Representation

The Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center (PIRC), a nonprofit organization founded on the belief of equal access to justice, works to protect immigrants’ rights to freedom and opportunity in the United States and saves the lives of the most vulnerable immigrants.


PIRC provides free, effective legal representation, legal counsel, education, and advocacy to help immigrants obtain or protect their legal status.